The Reunion

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Audience feedback

Audience feedback task

Facebook Feedback
Since posting our video on Facebook a few days ago now we've received on the whole a positive feel back from our friends. We got a few likes and comments saying how much they enjoyed it and how they wanted to see more and find out what happened in the rest of the film. They thought we'd done a great job and actually felt it looked quite professional, which we were very pleased with as this was one of our aims!

YouTube Feedback
Having had our video on this site for longer than a month now we have had 236 views from people in New Zealand, Holland, America and the UK. 20% of people watched our video on their mobiles, 30% watched it on our blog and the other 50% watched in on YouTube.

Monday, 11 March 2013

evaluation 7

Looking back at your prelim task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Monday, 4 March 2013

evaluation 4

who would be the perfect target audience for our media?
Townies, townies are relatively diverse in entertainment choices but unsurprisingly stick to mainstream options. The brands townies usually go for are Nike, Topshop, Adiddas, Uggs, Ted baker, River island, etc. These brands are the brands worn by nearly all of British teenage population this means that townies seem to be the kind of poeple that follow the crowds and do not try to step out of the box this however is not a bad thing. The media they follow are very normal aswell there is nothing that is a major shock to anyone. Townies are also not majorly heavy Internet, magsine's, cinema or radio users however it has been found that they do watch alot of tv and do not pay much attention to the Newspaper.

In our film we tried to catch our target audiences attention by: 

  • The story line we tried to create is not too hard to understand and is creates a vibe that could be enjoyed by many different types of people because its is not something hard to understand this means it can be easily picked up by the crowds.
  • Our film is very light hearted and easy going so not hard to understand 
  • Townies watch a lot of soaps on tv this means that the dramatic side of our film will attract townies swell 

Evaluation 5

we used tags to annotate how our video attracts our audience.

Evaluation 3- directors commentary versions

In this video we took off all our original sound and we recorded a direcrors commentary on our choice of logo and production company name, why production companies are important, how distribution works and how our film is attractive towards certain production companies.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Evaluation 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

When we were trying to adapt our main character the character we kept on relating it too was forrest Gump.The story of Forrest Gump depicts several decades in the life of Forrest Gump, a naïve and slow-witted yet athletically prodigious native of Alabama who witnesses, and in some cases influences, some of the defining events of the latter half of the 20th century in the United States. The character's match as they are both quite geeky and especially in these two shots as you can see above ther are both wearing a suit. The characters may match in some ways however the story behind it is not quite the same the fact that Gordon is wearing a brown leather satchel to try and follow the trend is something Forrest gump would never try to act like something he is not. The locations are also completely differant from forrest gump beign set in sunny North Carolina and The reunion being set infrom of Gordonstoun house in Scotland. We used this location to try and create a busy and profesional atmosphere. We were extremly influenced by Forrest Gump and many other charaters such as Tom of 500 days of summer however we created our own twist to the character to avoid our stories being completely identicle. 

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Evaluation 1


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The title of the film: We used stop motion to write the title on the letter as he receives it. This is done to create the effect that it looks like its being written and coloured in. The title has been written on the envelope is because this is suppost to represent an invitation to his schools reunion, we used colours to give it a young feel this is suppost to resemble the beginning of the film when they were young also to help keep the movie upbeat.
The setting: The first setting we have is suppost to represent a school playground set 20 years ago, the setting is very simple however does have a very countryside, romantic feel to it. We wanted to represent this as this is the place where young gordon falls in love with Heather. The second setting is an outiside setting as old gordon walks to work, this setting is suppost to represent a business area in the early morning this is shown by the bright sun rising and the car park setting, you can see by the fact that he is walking by himslef he is still not very populair however he is successful as he is getting out of an expensive car and has a secretary working for him.   
Costumes: The costumes in the first couple of shots are representing gordons past life back when he was at primary school this is why we used school uniforms to represent them being kids playing in a playground. Then when gordon is walking to his office in a suit this then represent his proffesional occasion this could also mean that by the fact he is wearing a suit he has become very successful.
Camera work and editing: We used a tripod in most shots to make sure our shots would not be effected by our shaky hands and to make it look professional we also used a variety of different shots including close up shots and over the shoulder shots. 
Font and style: The font we used throughout our movie was kept the same we did this to try achieve and continues flow, we also hand wrote titles but we tried to match our handwritten titles to the titles we manually put in.
Story/narrative: Throughout the opening titles the narrative gives the main background information to the viewer and introduces our drama/comedy story.Our story was humorous but at the same time we tried to bring in the fact that bulling is a massive problem in many schools and is a serious topic into our story as well. 
Genre and suggestions of it: We tried to show what genre we are using through the fact that we used a voice over this is a very common thing within drama/comedy films. Also the fact that older gordon is explaining about how he used to get bullied is another suggestion of the drama side of our genre and this is a very serious and upcoming problem within youngsters these days. The fact that Older gordon later on in life looks all professional but by the fact that he drops his papers can be seen as humorous as he is still clumsy.
Characters:  Our main character is focused on throughout the opening scene, his appearance only changes due to age, however we still know he is the main character because of the narration. The use of the scene with younger Gordon is to see the contrast between what he once was and what he has become, which is very successful. We wanted the audience to feel sympathy for him but also to see his determined character of becoming a successful man.
Special FX: We used a fade to black effect to show the separation in time, between younger and older Gordon. This was just to break the filming so the audience could adjust to the jump in time. We also used a cross dissolve in the playground scene to also show the jump in time. In grid shot eight, we used a stop motion effect, although it is not very smoothly put together, it creates a childish effect to the film, which is relevant considering its a school reunion.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Changes we made to the rough edit

Once we recieved feedback we made the following changes,

  • Our titles were moving to fast and were not big enough for the audience to see them properly so we decided to slow them down and make them larger.
  • We had numerous shots of Gordon walking up the staircase which we decided to cut. This shortened the sequence as we found it was not necessary in the storyline.
  • The narration was read at a steady speed however our playground scene was still to long, so we decided to change the speed at which is played to fit the narration better.
  • Our film is an independent British Indie film so we thought that Studiocanal would suit the feel of the film better than Eon Productions, which is known for producing James Bond.
  • We decided to fade the music out instead of cutting it off as it made it less noticable to the audience.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Changes to be made to our final draft:

Having recieved feedback on our final draft version of our opening titles the following things have been noted to change in order to make it even better:
· The name of our production company needs to be on screen about 2 seconds longer.

· Capital and lower case letters need to be consistent across our titles.

· No sound after our title appears.

· Our title card needs to be on for longer.
These changes now need to be made as soon as possible

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

we've finished all our filming and have been spending the last week putting everything together and making sure the movie runs smooth and hast got any errors in it we are also editing effects and putting on a voice over!

Monday, 14 January 2013

started uploading and editing the first part of my media video today!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

filming the opening titles

We are going to be filming our opening titles this term however due to exams there might be a delay by when we will be posting the videos but we will work our hardest to try meet the deadline!